It is summer time and I guess that some of you travel. If you visit a French speaking country, it is good to know some vocabularies.
When we are on holiday, we may be unwell. It is easy to speak with a GP when we are in our country but when it happens abroad and moreover the language is different, the situation could be difficult. Today, I will teach you some expressions, some words if ever you have to go the GP -le médecin-
First, I will tell you how it works in France.
When you address to a GP, call him or her, Docteur (Doctor).
It is better to get an appointment. When you go, let you know at the receptionist that you are here and give your name, the GP's name where you will see (if there are several ones in this medical center). If you don't see a receptionist, don't worry sit down and wait in the waiting room. The GP will have a look at it. When It is your turn, the GP will tell why you are there. S/he needs to know what do you suffer from. S/he measures your blood pressure, the heart rate, your weight. Then, s/he auscultates you to diagnose you pain or other. S/he gives to you a prescription. The rate of a consultation is from 25 €.
GP secteur 1 : 25 €
GP secteur 2 : over 25 €
If in your country, it exists an European Health Insurance Card, order it. It can help you at the GP, the hospital, the dentist or the pharmacist.
At the pharmacy, you give the prescription to the pharmacist and will give you the medicine.
Vocabularies and expressions
At the GPs: chez le médecin (généraliste)
To get an appointment: prendre un rendez-vous
The medical centre: le cabinet médical/le centre médical/la maison médicale
The waiting room: la salle d'attente
Measuring the blood pressure: mesurer la tension artérielle
Measuring the heart rate: mesurer le rythme cardiaque
The weight: le poids
European Health Insurance Card: carte européenne d'assurance maladie
A prescription: une ordonnance
The pharmacist: le pharnacien, la pharmacienne
The pharmacy: la pharmacie
To greet a GP: Bonjour Docteur !
To thank a GP: Merci Docteur !
To leave a GP: Au revoir Docteur !
Get on the scale: montez sur la balance/ sur le pèse-personne
What are you suffering from: de quoi souffrez-vous
Where is your pain? Oú avez-vous mal ? Oú est la douleur ? Vous avez mal oú ?
I have fever: j'ai de la fièvre
My child has fever: mon enfant a de la fièvre
I have a sore throat: J'ai mal à la gorge
My child has a sore throat: mon enfant a mal à la gorge
I have a headache: J'ai mal à la tête
My child has a headache: mon enfant a mal à la tête
I have a bellyache: J'ai mal au ventre
My child has a bellyache: mon enfant a mal au ventre
I have nausea: j'ai des nausées
I have diarrhea: j'ai la diarrhée
It is twenty-five euros: ça fera vingt cinq euros.
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