In a social life, knowing the persons who you interact is important. The first things that you should know about them and they should know about you, are the main the name and more for some situations given (age, job, nationality, marital status...) There is a noun for that: INTRODUCTION - LA PRESENTATION.
You want to say your name:
a) Je m'appelle Pierre. My name is Pierre.
b) Mon prénom est Carole. My first name is Carole
c) Mon nom est DUBOIS. My surname is DUBOIS.
For the cases b and c it is for formal situation, for example when you are in an office or to register yourself.
How to ask:
Comment t'appelles-tu ? Comment vous appelez-vous ? What's your name?
Quel est ton prénom ? Quel est votre prénom ? What is your first name?
Quel est ton nom ? Quel est votre prénom ? What is your surname?
You want to say your age:
J'ai 25 ans. I am 25 years old.
Here you employ the verb avoir.
How to ask:
Quel âge as-tu ? How old are you?
Quel est ton âge ? What is your age?
Two ways to ask the age of someone. For the first question, you need to employ "avoir".
You want to say your job:
Je suis maçon. I am a builder.
Je travaille en tant qu'infirmière-chef. I work as a head nurse.
How to ask:
Que fais-tu dans la vie? or que faites-vous dans la vie ?
Quel est ton métier ? or quel est votre métier ? What is your job?
Quelle est ta profession? Or quelle est votre profession? What is your profession?
You want to say your marital status:
Je suis célibataire. I am single.
Je suis marié(e). I am married.
Je suis en couple or je vis en couple. I am in a relationship.
Je suis séparé(e). I am separeted.
Je suis divorcé(e). I am divorced.
Je suis veuf(ve). I am a widower (widow).
How to ask:
Quelle est votre situation matrimoniale? What is your marital status?
You want to say your nationality:
Je suis français. I am French.
Je suis de nationalité française. I have the French nationality.
How to ask:
Quelle est ta/votre nationalité ? What is your nationality?
You want to say where you come from:
From a country: je viens de Belgique. I come from Belgium.
From a county: je viens de Franche-Comté. I come from Franche-Comté.
From a town: je viens de Paris. I come from Paris.
How to ask:
D'où viens-tu ? Or d'où venez vous ? Where do you come from?
You want to say where you live:
J'habite à Lyon/ en Rhône-Alpes/ en France. I live in Lyon/ in Rhône-Alpes (it is the county of Lyon)/ in France.
How to ask:
D'où viens-tu ? D'où venez-vous ? Where do you come from?
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