Wednesday, 10 April 2019

French certificates

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Studying or working in France attracts people from abroad. However, universities or employers in France require a special certificate in order to prove the level of your french. Let's have a look at the various certificates.

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They are made to certificate the level of French. They are awarded only by the French Ministry of National Education. They are recognised everywhere. You can follow your studies in France or in another french speaking country or you can get a job. Some universities or some schools require these certificates to be admitted. 

DILF is stand for Diplôme Initial en Langue Française. (Initial Diploma in French Language). This certificate will be awarded to beginners. It is the first step to get DELF and DALF diploma. The level is  A1.1.

DELF is stand for Diplôme d'Etude en Langue Française (Diploma in French Language Studies). Candidates from 7 years old can take this exam. It exists differents options according your needs and your level (A1 to C2). But it declines in several section according your needs:

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  • DELF PRIM: is for children in primary school (from 7 to 11 years old). This certificate is mostly to encourage children to learn French. It may give to them confidence and self-esteem as well. There are 3 levels: A.1.1 - A.1 - A.2.
  • DELF JUNIOR and DELF SCOLAIRE: These are for teenagers, from 12 to 18 years old, who attends schools. There are 4 levels: A1 - A2 - B1 and B2.
  • DELF PRO: It is for people who wants to get a job in France or in a french speaking country. 4 levels: A1 - A2 - B1 - B2.

DALF is stand for Diplôme Approfondi en Langue Française (Advanced Diploma in French Language). it's the same concept as the Delf. That is different is for candidates who have C1 and C2 level.

And DALFLE is a certification to those who want to teach French abroad or as MFL teacher.

You can prepare them in these places:

  • in a Centre Language appliquée (CLA) in some French cities,
  • in some institutes in UK such as Institutes where they give French lessons,
  •  with a private tutor. This option allows you to personalize courses. 

Le DCL - Diplôme de Compétence en Langue (Language Skills Certificate)

Is awarded by the French Ministry of National Education. This is a professional diploma for adults. If someone wants to make recognised their skill in French language, to get a job or to evolve in his career, this diploma is made for these employment prospects. There are 2 options:
  • DCL FLE for French everyday language, from A2 to C1
  • DCL FP for French professional, from A1- A2.

Level tests

  • TCF - Test de Connaissance du Français (French knowledge test) is awarded by le Centre International d'Etudes Pédagogique. This test is for everyone who wants to validate their knowledge in French fastly and a simply way.
  • TEF - Test d'Evaluation de Français (French Assessment Test). It is awarded by la Chambre du Commerce et d'Industrie Paris Ile de France. This test is also recognised by the National Education. Students who would like to follow their studies in an university in France for the first key stage, can take this certificate.

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Diploma of universities

Students who wish to gain French skills or to improve it, some certicates are offered to them at the University Paris-Sorbonne. Five certificates are proposed and students can achieve all these five certificates in one year if they wish.

Certifications de langue, introduction à la littérature

  • Certificat Intermédiaire de langue française (Intermediate Certificate of French Language) level B1.
  • Certificat de pratique de langue française "Comphréhension et expression" (French language practical certificate "Understanding and Expression") Level  B2.

This certificate is a module. Level B2. This diploma assesses skills in four areas: written and oral comprehension and written and oral expression.
The student can also take either the module "Literature" or the module "French on academic objectives" (FOU) [Humanities and Social Sciences].

Certifications de langue, littérature et civilisation françaises

  • Certificat pratique de langue française (Practical certificate of French language) The level is C1. This certificate with the option "Literature" or with the option FOU "Humanities and Social Sciences" is highly recommended to continue your studies in master and PhD.
  • Diplôme de langue et littérature française (Diploma of French language and literature), level C2. To have access to this diploma, candidates must have previously obtained the C1 level.
  • Diplôme supérieur d'études françaises (Higher Diploma in French Studies), level C3. This diploma is only offered by Sorbonne University. This degree requires the same methodological skills expected of a French student. The admission is conditional.
More informations? 

The professional French diplomas of the CCIP* 

Courses are offered to people who whish to reinforce their French communication skills. It is in the professional setting

TEF ETUDES (TEF studies): is approved by the French ministry of National Education. The candidate is assessed to evaluate his/her French skill. This certificate is for students from abroad who want to study in the first cycle studies of an university in France. The assessment is composed of 4 parts: written comprehension, oral comprehension, written expression and lexicon/structure.

TEF Naturalisation (Tef naturalization) is approved by the Ministry of the Interior of  France. For foreigners wishing to naturalize, it isrequired to obtain this certificate. Candidates will be assessed on both written and oral comprehension. The tests for obtaining this certificate also can be passed to other centres in France approved by the French State. 

Certifications of French approved by the Ministry of the Interior:

TCF - Test de Connaissance du Français (French knowledge test) awarded by le Centre International d'Etudes Pédagogiques (International Center for Pedagogical Studies) and by other centres accross the France: TCF award center

TEF - Test d'Evaluation de Français (French Assessment Test) awarded by la Chambre du Commerce et d'Industrie de Paris et Ile de France (Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry).

TEF de carte de résident (TEF resident card): For foreigners wishing to obtain the resident's card, this certificate attests the level A2 of oral and written comprehension as well as the level of oral and written expression of the French language. The tests for obtaining this certificate can be passed to other centers in France approved by the French State.

*Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry: in French, it is  Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie Paris.

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