Bonjour, Some people think that French is difficult. Is this true for you? Through my blog, I do my best to get French easier to learn. You will find out grammar rules, vocabulary, spelling rules, tips to go ahead in your French learning... And if you are tired of reading my articles, you can watch my videos: I give online French lessons individually or in groups. But that will be funnier to learn with your friends!
Thursday, 24 December 2015
Childhood memories at Christmas time
Today, it will be a more personal post, I am going to tell about my childhood at Christmas time. My sibling and I were waiting for this event with impatience. Christmas was always on holidays. At this time, it was a real winter, it snowed a lot. With my friends and my cousins, we shifted the snowy slodes, do batlles of snow or made snowmen. When we came at home, we were very wet but very happy.
The day before Christmas, we were very excited thinking of the celebration and receiving presents. When the night came, after the Christmas mass, our guests (our relatives) came and ate with us. It was a really good ambience. My uncles and my faher sang, told some comic stories. They also disguised made short sketches. It was so funny! The diner was traditional: toasts of sturgeon eggs, toasts of butter prawns, turkeys with chestnuts, and the best of the diner: the Christmas roller.
When midnight approached, my father and my uncles took all children with them to have a round by car. Inside the car, we sang Christmas songs. Meanwhile, my mother and my aunts put presents down the Christmas tree. When we came back at home, my mother said that Santa visited the house and gave gifts. We believed that. We were very pleased to remove the paper to discover our presents. We said thank you and wished a merry Christmas to grown-ups. We played with our new toys until the sleep came carry us. The 25 of december, it is another lunch with family but it was quieter.
A week later, we renewed the celebration for the new year's day but without presents. We also enjoyed. Thebfirst day of the new year, some people in the village or some relatives visited us to wish a new year's day or we visited them. But this tradition is over, it is just relatives who come to visit.
Tuesday, 22 December 2015
French Christmas tradition
It is Christmas time and I take the opportunity to talk about the French traditions of Christmas.
At Christmas time
Public places
People decorate the interior of their house and fir. They set the crib. Outside, they also decorate their house with light trings.
The celebration of Christmas
At Christmas eve, children put their shoes under the Christmas tree waiting for midnight. They hope to meet le "Père Noël" who will fill shoes of gifts and chocolates. In the past, children had only an orange as presents. The hosts dress a nice table with decorations and confectioneries. At the beginning of the evening, people go to the church and after they have a diner. At midnight, they wish to each other a happy Christmas and offer presents. About children, either they go to bed if they are very young and will find out their gifts the morning of Christmas or /and for older kids, they receive their presents at midnight. At Christmas day, a big lunch is also given.
What do french people eat traditionally ?
Traditionally, French people eat at this celebration and at new year day diners these meals :
Coquilles saint-Jacques
Main dishes
Turkey with chestnuts,
Two types: pastry roller of Christmas that made with sponge cake and butter cream and the second option it is the iced roller of Christmas.
Children and as well grown-ups like to taste chocolate or fruit pastes or nuts.
The most popular are "les papillotes" that are made with chocolate or fruit pastes wrapped in glossy paper. But you can find "marrons glacés" (iced chestnuts). They are cooked chestnuts that were macerated in a sirup during several hours. Chocolate truffles and shortbreads are very appreciated too.
There is so much dishes that i can't dress a long list.
Monday, 2 November 2015
Education (part two)
Schools has changed a lot since Jules Ferrie's reform. Pre-school and primary school were accessible to everyone. But beyond, only rich people could send their children to secondary school, grammar high school and university. Now, whatever the social class, these schools are opened, however some schools remain elitist due to the expensive fees.
School today
The school landscape has changed. All French schools are mixed and girls'education was very encouraged. Moreover, they are no longer confined to learning to so-called female occupations (cooking, sewing, housework, childcare) but access to other trades has widened. Moreover, education has indeed democratized.
The french education system
Schooling starts at 3 years but it is compulsory to the age of 6 years up to 16 years. In general, the child remains three years in kindergarten (or four years if he began his schooling at 2 years).
Then he continued his learning at the primary school for five years.
It connects with the secondary school. He stayed four years.
Then the student returns to grammar high school to remain there three years. Some go to the general high school and vocational school others will. At the end of his studies, he spent his A'level, precious document, for higher education.
Finally, the student completes his studies in either a faculty or in a University Institute of Technology, or in a high school to prepare a Higher Technological Baccalaureate.
Academic Education division
France is divided into academy, we have 26 and each one is led by the rector. These are grouped into three areas from 1964-1965 (zone A, zone B, zone C). This helps to better manage departures and holiday returns, but also to promote tourist activities. However, students have their school holidays all at the same time as the Christmas holidays and summer vacation.
School holidays
From kindergarten to high school, students say 4 holiday periods school holidays lasting 15 days and major holidays or summer vacation that count eight weeks vacation, extending early July to early September.
School days
Pupils in kindergarten and primary school are in school every day except Saturday and Sunday. On Wednesday, students only make it in the morning.
L'école d'aujourd'hui
Le paysage scolaire a changé. Toutes les écoles françaises sont mixtes et l'éducation des filles a été très encouragée. De plus, elles ne sont plus cantonnées à apprentissage vers des métiers dites féminins (cuisine, couture, travaux ménagers, puériculture), l'accès à d'autres métiers s'est élargi. De plus, l'enseignement s'est bel et bien démocratisé.
Le système éducatif français
La scolarisation commence à partir de 3 ans mais elle est obligatoire à l'âge de 6 ans jusqu'à 16 ans. D'une manière générale, l'enfant reste 3 années à l'école maternelle (ou 4 année si celui-ci débute sa scolarisation à 2 ans).
Ensuite il poursuit son apprentissage à l'école primaire pendant 5 ans.
Il enchaîne avec le collège. Il y reste 4 ans.
Puis l'élève rentre au lycée pour y demeurer 3 ans. Certains vont au lycée général et d'autres vont au lycée professionnel. A la fin de son cursus, il passe son baccalauréat, précieux sésame, pour les études supérieures.
Enfin, l'étudiant termine ses études soit dans une faculté, soit dans un Institut Universitaire Technologique, soit dans un lycée pour y préparer un Baccalauréat Technologique Supérieur.
Découpage académique
La France est découpée en académie, on en compte 26 et chacune est dirigée par le recteur. Celles-ci sont regroupées en 3 zones depuis 1964-1965 (zone A, zone B, zone C). Cela permet de gérer au mieux les départs et les retours de vacances, mais aussi pour favoriser les activités touristiques. Cependant, les élèves ont leurs vacances scolaires tous en même temps comme les vacances de Noël et les vacances d'été.
Les vacances scolaires
De la maternelle jusqu'au lycée, les élèves ont 4 périodes de vacances dites vacances scolaires qui durent 15 jours et les grandes vacances ou vacances d'été qui comptent 8 semaines de vacances, s'étendant au début de juillet jusqu'au début de septembre.
Les jours d'école
Les élèves des écoles maternelles et primaires vont à l'école tous les jours sauf le samedi et le dimanche. Le mercredi, les élèves s'y rendent seulement le matin.
Sunday, 4 October 2015
Education (part one)
Schools start at 3 years-old and the legal age to stop the scholarship is 16 years-old. But rare are teenagers who stop at this age. They follow as later as possible.
History of education in France
First schools already existed in the time of Gaul. It was druids who taught to sons of nobles. Prima magisters gave lessons at municipal schools, the first secular schools were born when Romans conquered Gaul by Jules César in 58-51 bef. JC. They welcomed girls and boys from 7 to 12 years old coming from middle class.
At Vth and VIth century, Church took over, parochial schools managing by priests and monastics schools which the education was specific in order to train novices by monks.
Something new happened about education with Charlemagne end of VIIth century. The organization of school and pedagogy pushed themselves forward. Charlemagne ordered that priests are responsible for schools in small towns, that they teaches to all children of faithful and to settle for the present of children's parents. No services will be asked in return.Grammar, songs and psalms must be taught in all the monasteries and bishoprics.
Charlemagne invented school which the name is the "Palace" in all his travels. He deals with teacher training.
In the XIIth century, a massive school enrollment appears.The bourgeoisie understands the value of education. She used to train business people to be more effective.
In the mid XVth century, the school is once again in turmoil caused by the Hundred Years War and the Black Death.
Primary school reappeared in the XVIth century by Church. Martin Luther, a reformist monk, allows to girls to access to the knowledge.
Napoleon Bonaparte created high schools.
Early 19th century, only rich families sent their children at school because they had to pay teachers, books. For some children, they had to work in order to bring a salary for the home, instead of going to school.

law obliged each village and cities to open a school for all children. In the cities, there were one school for boys, one school for girls.
L'école existait déjà du temps des Gaulois.C'était les Druides qui enseignaient aux fils des nobles. Les écoles communales, les premières écoles laïques, dont les cours étaient assurés par les Prima magisters, ont vu le jour lorsque les romains ont conquis la Gaule par Jules César en 58-51 av JC. Elles accueillaient des filles et des garçons de 7 à 12 ans issus des classes moyennes.
Au Vème et VIème siècle, l'Eglise reprend le flambeau, les écoles paroissiales tenues par les curés et par l'école monastique dont l'enseignement est plus spécialisé. Il s'agit là de former des novices. Ce sont les moines qui en ont la charge.
On assiste à un renouveau dans le domaine de l'enseignement avec Charlemagne fin VIIème siècle. L'organisation de l'école et la pédagogie se mettent en avant. Charlemagne ordonne que les prêtres soient responsables des écoles dans les bourgs, qu'ils enseignent à tous les enfants des fidèles et qu'ils se contentent ce que leur offrent les parents. Aucun service ne sera demandé en contrepartie. La grammaire, les chants et psaumes doivent être enseignés dans tous les monastères et les évêchés. Charlemagne a inventé l'école du Palais qui le suit dans tous ses voyages. Il s'occupe de la formation des maîtres.
Au XIIème siècle, une scolarisation massive apparaît. La bourgeoisie comprend l'intérêt de l'enseignement. Elle sert à former les hommes d'affaire pour qu'ils soient plus performants.
Au milieu du XVè siècle, l'école se retrouve à nouveau dans la tourmente causées par la guerre de cent ans et la peste noire.
L'école primaire est réapparue au XVIe siècle par l'église. Martin Luther, un moine réformateur, permet aux filles d'accéder à la connaissance.
Napoléon Bonaparte a créé le lycée.
Début du 19e siècle, seules les familles riches envoyaient leurs enfants à l'école parce qu'ils devaient payer les enseignants et les livres. Pour certains enfants, ils devaient travailler afin d'apporter un salaire pour la maison, au lieu d'aller à l'école.
Lorsque Jules Ferry était ministre, il a décidé que toutes les écoles publiques devraient être obligatoires et gratuites. En 1833, une loi oblige chaque village et les villes d'ouvrir une école pour tous les enfants. Dans les villes, il y avait une école pour les garçons, une école pour les filles.
Friday, 11 September 2015
Several ways to say HOW ARE YOU ?
Comment vas-tu ?
Comment tu vas ? or Comment allez vous ?
Comment ça va ?
Ca va ?
Positive responses
(Oui), je vais bien, merci.
Ca va (bien), merci.
Je vais bien, merci.
Negative responses (when a person feels unwell)
(Non), ça ne va pas.
Je ne vais pas bien.
Je ne me sens pas bien.(1)
Je suis souffrant.(2)
(1) (2) when a person feels sick.
Let's cook ! La salade niçoise
This salad is typically french. It comes from Nice, city in the south of the France. you can find different varieties of this salad. I propose you the authentic one.
- 10 tomatoes
- 4 eggs
- 12 marinated anchovy fillet
- an oil can of tuna
- 2 handfuls Nice olives (small salty black olives)
- 2 spring onions (scallions)
- 1 bunch of radishies
- olive oil
- salt, pepper
- vinegar
You can add too:
2 small green peppers, 300 g of broad beans, 1 cucumber (optional), minced basil.
How to prepare it:
Eggs cook 10 minutes in boiling water.Hull and cut them into quarters.
Wash tomatoes and cut them into pieces. Arrange them on the bottom of the dish. You can lay them on green tomatoes.
Add the drained tuna after.
Wash the vegetables (radishes, peppers, spring onions). Slice the peppers, spring onions and the radishes. Shell the fava beans. Add them to the salad.
On the top, arrange nicely anchovies and olives. Optionally add the chopped basil. Put the salad into the fridge.
Prepare the vinaigrette: olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper. Season just before serving.
If you want to add cucumber, put them in the salad bowl at the last moment, or use them separately so they don't make water.
I saw that recipe at the website:
- 4 eggs
- 12 marinated anchovy fillet
- an oil can of tuna
- 2 handfuls Nice olives (small salty black olives)
- 2 spring onions (scallions)
- 1 bunch of radishies
- olive oil
- salt, pepper
- vinegar
You can add too:
2 small green peppers, 300 g of broad beans, 1 cucumber (optional), minced basil.
How to prepare it:
Eggs cook 10 minutes in boiling water.Hull and cut them into quarters.
Wash tomatoes and cut them into pieces. Arrange them on the bottom of the dish. You can lay them on green tomatoes.
Add the drained tuna after.
Wash the vegetables (radishes, peppers, spring onions). Slice the peppers, spring onions and the radishes. Shell the fava beans. Add them to the salad.
On the top, arrange nicely anchovies and olives. Optionally add the chopped basil. Put the salad into the fridge.
Prepare the vinaigrette: olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper. Season just before serving.
If you want to add cucumber, put them in the salad bowl at the last moment, or use them separately so they don't make water.
I saw that recipe at the website:
Saturday, 5 September 2015
French meals
Eating is very important for french people. We can account 3 meals with one or two collations per day. It is very diversified and people could stay a long time at the table above all at holiday meals.
In the morning, almost french people take a breakfast. The traditional one is composed by a coffee or coffee with milk, sliced bread and on the top, people spread butter or jam or both. They eat too the famous croissant. But habits have changed and we can see more people drink tea (a bit), orange juice, but the coffee remains the most widely. Some take cereals with milk.
Children drink hot chocolate or juice and eat a wide range of cereals, puffed rice, all washed down with milk. Some tastes pastries.
Lunch and diner
With the lifestyle, french people eat meals which don't require a long preparation, because women like men usually work and they must cook and eat quickly. But at weekend, they take their time to cook and eat. They take a starter (usually cold) or a soup at autumn and winter. Starters are either cold, either hot. About cold one, they eat mainly tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots usually drizzled with vinaigrette sauce or mayonnaise.
The main meal will be vegetables, pasta, potatoes, or rice... with meat or fish. They appreciate green salad and cheese. At last, they eat the dessert: yogurt, a fruit, smashed fruits, custard.
It is a small meal waiting for lunch or diner. Normally it is a drink (hot or cold) with a fruit, a biscuit, a yogurt or a croissant. After school, children take a collation.
Holiday meals
They last a long time. First, because there are a lot of meals to eat, secondly, french people love to stay on table speaking, debating. they usually begin by a appetizer. Then, from two to three starters (cold and hot), as much as main menus as starters. Come green salad and cheese. A dessert to close the lunch or the diner with a coffee or a tea. Some could have an infusion if it is on evening. The dessert could be an apple pie, french pastries, cakes, custard.
Monday, 24 August 2015
History and development of the French language
- History and development of the French language
At the moment, French is the official language in France as well as in the French overseas departments and territories. It underwent an evolution through all these centuries. You wonder certainly how and when did that language appear? This travel in the time will tell you the history and the evolution of that language before becoming that of Molière.
All its history would go back to 1st century AD, dates Roman conquests.
Before being invaded by the Roman, the Gaule had especially an oral language, called Gallic. Few wrote it. The succession of the Latin, the official language of the conquered nations, is understandable by the Roman occupation. Little by little, The popular Latin, begins to gain ground, of by the contact with the state employees, the trade, the soldiers with the natives. Gradually, this Latin is in religious official documents or civil. The Latin classic was spoken, then, only at the aristocrats, in the ecclesiastical domain and in the schools. Nevertheless, when we travelled, we discovered a Latin appropriate(peculiar) to its region.
It is at the end of the V th century, that the popular Latin is definitively given up by the people. This corresponds to the western fall of the Roman Empire. The only ones, the intellectuals, the Church still practised it. It is going, little by little, to develop from the Latin, two other Romance languages. They offer an outfit of dialects: langues d'oïl covering the North up to the center; langues d'oc (or Occitan) which(who) extends from the center up to the South. These border most with Latin.
The word YES would come from the root of "oil" and of "oc".
Germanic people, Francs, invade France. Clovis, king of Francs, (466-511) introduces the language Frankish ripuaire, a Germanic language, which still has nothing to do with our current French.
There are six types of Frankish who are:
The Frankish ripuaire (Germany and Belgium), the Carolingian Frankish (Belgium and Netherlands), the Frankish limbourgeois (Netherlands and Belgium), the Luxemburg Frankish (Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany), the moselan Frankish (Germany, France), the Rhenish Frankish (Germany, France).
From the VIIIth century, the Frankish gets lost little by little for the benefit of the rustic language. This one is still considered by the people as a vulgar Latin. It looks like not at all the Latin of formerly. Of this Latin are going to arise from other regional idioms even dialects. The Neo-Latin languages take shape slowly. They are to become French, Italian, Spanish, etc. They have derived of the Latin are Romance languages.
In the IXth century, the war of succession will have an impact on the fate of the French language. Louis le Pieux had three sons(threads): pepin the first, Lothaire and Louis le Germanique. Before his death, king had made the sharing of the kingdom between his three boys. The birth of another child, who will become Charles le Chauve, questions the division and begins then endless conflicts between the brothers and King. When the latter and Pip Ier die, Lothaire tries, then, to appropriate a big part of the kingdom. Louis le Germanique and Charles le Chauve become allied against him, it is the war of succession. An oath called Oath of Strasbourg (the pact of not - aggression) so bounds territories and commits 2 brothers to cooperate:
Charles le Chauve will rule over the part the West which will be called Francia Occidentalis where the Romance language is the most spoken,
Louis le Germanique will reign over the part from the Rhine and the North of the Alps the people of which speak the Germanic language is the most used.
Moreover, the Oath of Strasbourg is the first text of the French language and the oldest.
It is only from 1539 when the French language becomes the administrative and legal language(tongue) imposed by François 1st.
In the XVIIth century, the Cardinal Richelieu establishes the Académie française ( 1634 ) and realizes the first French dictionary as well as grammatical works.
Since then, French has never stopped evolving both by its vocabulary no and by its spelling. The International board of the French language is an association which was created in 1968. This council is very active and has for role to enrich French and to contribute to its development. For more information: http: //
French translation
Histoire et évolution de la langue française
A l'heure actuelle, le français est la langue officielle en France ainsi que dans les dom tom. Elle a subi une évolution à travers tous ces siècles. Vous vous demandez sûrement comment cette langue est-elle apparue ? A quand remonte les premiers mots français ? Ce petit voyage dans le temps vous racontera l'histoire et l'évolution de cette langue avant de devenir celle de Molière.
Son origine
Toute son histoire remonterait au 1er siècle après Jesus-Christ, date des conquêtes romaines.
Avant d'être envahie par les romains, la Gaule avait surtout une langue orale, appelée gallique. Peu l'écrivait. L'avènement du latin, langue officielle des nations conquises, s'explique par l'occupation romaine. Peu à peu, Le latin populaire, commence à gagner du terrain, du par le contact avec les fonctionnaires, les échanges commerciaux, les soldats avec les indigènes. Progressivement, ce latin se trouve dans des documents officiels religieux ou civiles. Le latin classique n'était parlé, alors, que chez les aristocrates, dans le domaine ecclésiastique et dans les écoles. Néanmoins, lorsque l'on voyageait, on découvrait un latin propre à sa région.
C'est à la fin du Vème siècle, que le latin populaire est définitivement abandonné par le peuple. Ceci correspond à la chute de l'empire romain occidentale. Seuls, les intellectuels, l'Église le pratiquaient encore. Il va, petit à petit, se développer à partir du latin, deux autres langues romanes. Elles offrent une panoplie de dialectes : les langues d'oïl couvrant le nord jusqu'au centre ; les langues d'oc (ou occitan) qui s'étend à partir du centre jusqu'au sud. Celles-ci s'avoisinent le plus avec latin.
Le mot OUI viendrait de la racine d'"oil" et d'"oc".
Un peuple germanique, les Francs, envahissent la france. Clovis, le roi des Francs, (466- 511) introduit la langue francique ripuaire, une langue germanique, qui n'a encore rien à voir avec notre français actuel.
Il existe six types de francique qui sont :
le francique ripuaire (Allemagne et Belgique),
le francique Carolingien (Belgique et Pays-Bas),
le francique limbourgeois (Pays-Bas et Belgique),
le francique luxembourgeois (Belgique, Luxembourg, Allemagne),
le francique moselan (Allemagne, France),
le francique rhénan (Allemagne, France).
Dès le VIIIème siècle, le francique se perd peu à peu au profit de la langue rustique. Cette langue est encore considérée par le peuple comme un latin vulgaire. Il ne ressemble en rien au latin d'autrefois. De ce latin vont naître d'autres idiomes régionaux voire même des dialectes. Les langues néo-latines prennent forme lentement. Elles sont en passe de devenir le français, l'Italien, l'espagnol, etc. Ces langues dérivées du latin sont des langues romanes.
Au IXème siècle, la guerre de succession aura un impact sur le destin de la langue française. Louis le Pieux avait trois fils : Pépin Ier , Lothaire et Louis le Germanique. Avant sa mort, Le roi avait fait le partage du royaume entre ses trois garçons. La naissance d'un autre enfant, qui deviendra Charles le Chauve, remet en cause le partage et commence alors d'interminables conflits entre les frères et le Roi. Lorsque ce dernier et Pépin Ier meurent, Lothaire tente, alors, de s'attribuer une grande partie du royaume. Louis le Germanique et Charles le Chauve s'allient contre lui, c'est la guerre de succession. Un serment appelé Serment de Strasbourg (le pacte de non-aggression) délimite ainsi les territoires et engage les 2 frères à coopérer :
Charles le Chauve règnera sur la partie Ouest qui s'appellera Francia Occidentalis où la langue romane est la plus parlée,
Louis le Germanique gourvernera la partie Est du Rhin et le Nord des Alpes dont le peuple parle la langue germanique est la plus employée.
D'ailleurs, le Serment de Strasbourg est le premier texte de la langue française et le plus ancien.
Ce n'est qu'à partir de 1539 que la langue française devient la langue administrative et juridique imposé par François 1er.
Au XVIIe siècle, Richelieu fonde l'Académie Française (1634) et réalise le premier dictionnaire français ainsi que des ouvrages grammaticaux.
Depuis, le français n'a cessé d'évoluer tant par son vocabulaire que par son orthographe. Le Conseil International de la langue française est une association qui a été créée en 1968. Ce conseil est très actif et a pour rôle d'enrichir le français et de contribuer à son développement. Pour plus d'informations :
Thursday, 6 August 2015
French basic conversational
Bonjour : hello
Salut : hi or see you later
Au revoir : See you later or Goodbye
S'il vous plaît : please
Merci : thank you
De rien : you are welcome
Comment allez vous ? how are you?
Je vais bien, merci : I am fine, thank you
Comment t'appelles tu ? ou Comment tu t'appelles ? What's your name?
Je m'appelle Pierre : my name is Peter
Quel âge as-tu? How old are you?
J'ai 20 ans : I am 20 years-old.
Oui: yes
Non: no
Want to learn more? Click there and there
Tuesday, 4 August 2015
General introduction of France
It is a country situated at the western of Europe. Its surface is 640,679 km2 and 66,616,416 people who live in France. This country includes the overseas territories and the overseas departments as well as Corsica.
The capital of France is Paris. It is the largest city of the country. There are some many sites to visit: the famous Eiffel tower, Les Champs Elysées, Museums, and other beautifull places. I will write later an article about Paris and the others areas in France to visit.
- the climate is oceanic in the west and in the northwest (summers are warm and winters are cool),
- it is semi-continental in the north-east (summers are hot and winters are coid),
- you will find a mediterranean climate in the south and in the southeast (summers are hot and winters are mild),
- a mountain climate in Alps, Pyrenees, Massif Central, Jura and the Vosges ( mild summers are mild and winters are cold).
In the overseas area, the climate is generaly tropical, it is dry and wet season. But we can find different climates too:
- equatorial climate in the French Guiana, all year long temperature is high,
- in Saint-Pierre et Miquelon and in most of the French Southern and Antartic Lands, people know mild summers and short and cold and long winters.

France is identified by the tricolore flag (blue, white, red), by La Marseillaise the anthem and by the motto: Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité. The national personification is Marianne. She is represented by the bust of a woman and seen in all town halls in France with the photo of the current President. All these symbols has came from the revolution.
French people are symbolised by a man wearing a cap, carrying a baguette and a bottle of Wine. Baguette and wine are famous but cheese too. There is a range of variety of cheese. Each region has their own cheese, for example Franche-Comté: the Comté cheese, Normandie: the Camembert, the Roquefort comes from the town of Roquefort situed in the Massif Central... France is also famous with its cooking, fashion.
There are so many informations about France that I will develop in the further articles. To know more, click here!
Monday, 27 July 2015
why is French language very useful
French language is very useful if you travel or if you decide to live in France.
Why is it usefull ? Well, communicating is important:
- to know more about french people, their culture,
- to ask your way, to read a menu of a restaurant,
- to express what it is wrong if you are a problem,
- to get some informations or applications with any administration,
- to unable to understand some application form and how to apply,
- ....
See you soon
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Don't let your child forget French!
Your child was able to benefit from French lessons during the school year. You have seen his progress and he is very proud to know the basic...
S tudying or working in France attracts people from abroad. However, universities or employers in France require a special certificat...
Your child was able to benefit from French lessons during the school year. You have seen his progress and he is very proud to know the basic...