Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Four rules about the adjectives of colours

The agreement of the adjectives of colour

They are 3 categories adjectives of colour. So there are 3 rules of agreement.

Simple adjectives
Compound adjectives
Nouns as adjective
Vert amande
Bleu fluo
Jaune orange
Violet pastel
Rouge clair
Noir de jais
Gris antracite
Blanc cassé
Brun foncé

A.When the adjective is simple, it agrees with the name it qualifies.
Example: pantalon vert -> pantalon vert, robes vertes

Le concombre est   (T V R E).

Le poussin est   (E N J U A).

La mer est   ( LU E E B) .

La veste est   (E T L V O I E T).

La poule est   (R S EG I).

B. When the adjective is a noun (marron, citron, turquoise, gold, kaki, olive, marine ...), it is invariable.
Examples: une jupe marron -> jupes marron
Exceptions: rose, fauve and mauve take a plural "s" (robes roses).

1. Les enfants aiment les flamands 
(rose) _________________ dans le zoo.

2. Ses joues sont devenues toutes____________________ .

3. Elle a posé des coussins 
(rouge) ____________________ (pourpre) sur le canapé.

4. L'eau est devenue 
(marron)  ______________________.

5. Mon mari m'a offert ces perles 
(violet)  _____________________ .

6. Les façades de ces maisons sont 
(lilas) ______________ et (bleu) ___________  .

7. Les fleurs dans ce vase sont 
(mauve) ________________ .

8. Et des rouge à lèvres 
(framboise) ______________ .

9. La nuit, tous les chats sont 
(gris) _______________ .

10. Ses chaussures (
crème) _________________ se sont élargies.      

C. When the adjective is composed, it is invariable.
Examples : une robe jaune foncé -> robes jaune foncé / pantalons bleu clair -> pantalons bleu clair

1. J'ai acheté des bagues                                    (rose clair) assorties à mes boucles d'oreilles.

2. Non, j'ai des yeux                                                (vert foncé). 

3. Marie porte des chaussures                                                                           (jaune canari). 

4. Sarah s'est fait des mèches                                         (bleu roi). 

5. Une ceinture                                        (bleu marine).

D. The meaning one wishes to give to the sentence may modify the spelling of qualifying adjectives.
Example: chiens noirs et blancs (each dog is black and white) -> chiens noirs et blancs (there are both black dogs and white dogs).

Saturday, 11 May 2019

7 actions to speak like a native French speaker

Speaking a language is not something that you can get with a snap of the fingers. It requires times  and motivation.

You live in France (or a french speaking country), or you live in another country, these are possibilities to learn French language.

➽ Community centre (maison de quartier)
If you live in France, in cities, you can find a community centre in almost all areas. Some teachers give French courses. To start learning French, is a good idea. Inquire in your community center. If it does not offer this kind of activity, go to other community centres. Normaly, it is free. If it is not, you won't pay a lot of money.

➽ Taking part of an activity
By participating in workshops such as handicrafts or acting in a local theater company (there must be a certain level), ... or sports activities. You will be obliged to interact with people, so it is required to listen to instuctions. It is a good opportunities to talk to the member of the club you are.

➽ French-speaking cafés (les cafés francophones)
It is in any café that you can speak French with other persons. You will find French native speakers and people who come from other countries. Apart from paying for one's drink, it is free and moreover, useful and pleasant! No need to live in France or in another french speaking country), there are French speaking cafés in cities over the world.

➽ Tuition 
Another way to learn French. You can have lessons from a tutor who is skillful in this language. The tuition can be online or physical. To get a tutor, some websites propose different subjects. If you don't want to pay the register, there is another solutions: to post an add on website or at the baker's.

➽ Volunteering job
Volunteering job is a good way to improve the language. Charities needs people to help them. You will be usefull and gain more skills in French and in the role that you occupy.

➽ Apps
 They could help to learn French. There are so many apps but it's up to you to download the one which suits you.

➽ Watching films
It is a good way if you love french films. You can provide DVD's (click here) and sit down comfortably in your sofa. Let's go for a good moment. I selected films for you.

- les intouchables: very funny and be insure you that you will have a good time.

- Chorus: Les Choristes is a musical film and a French drama. A good film.

- Belle and Sebastian: a beautiful story between a child and a dog. An emotionally charged story. For family.

- Petit Nicolas: It is a family film. Very funny.

- Amélie: A French romantic comedy film. The scene takes place in Paris. It is a story about a helpfull girl. a mix of humour and intrigue.

You want to watch the trailer?

➽ Reading books
Some books to learn French are available for all levels (beginners, intermediate and advanced). In some books are inserted a CD telling the story of the novel. You can find out a range of books there.

Don't let your child forget French!

Your child was able to benefit from French lessons during the school year. You have seen his progress and he is very proud to know the basic...