What's the weather like? It is a sentence that we ask at least once a day. This expression is used to know what to wear, if you can do activities outside or just to speak about the weather allows to start a conversation. If you wish to talk about the rain or the good weather, you are on the good page.
Quel temps fait-il?
a few of vocabulary
The sun: le soleil
The rain: la pluie
The storm: l'orage
The flash: l'éclair
The snow: la neige
The flake: le flocon
The black ice: le verglas
The wind: le vent
The fog: le brouillard
The weather report: la météo
The Rainbow: l'arc-en-ciel.
Some expressions
It is sunny: il fait soleil (ou il fait beau).
It is raining: il pleut ( familiar expression: Il fait un temps de chien!).
It is a poor weather: il fait mauvais (temps).
It is hot: il fait chaud.
It is cold: il fait froid ( familiar expression: ça caille !).
It is frozen: c'est gelé.
It is foggy: il y a du brouillard.
It is snowing: il neige.
There is black ice: il y a du verglas.
The sky is blue: le ciel est bleu.
The sky is grey: le ciel est gris.
Parler de la pluie et du beau temps means to talk about usual things of life.